How to Affiliate @ModusOperandi?
We are always looking for new, talented affiliates who want to work with us to bring our app ModusOperandi #teacherinpocket to a wider audience.
We welcome affiliates of all kinds: be it those who convince through creative social media posts, reports on our app, posts on blogs/websites, or other innovative marketing approaches.
Just tell us in the form below how you would do it!
You can find more information about ModusOperandi here.
Do you have any further questions about the affiliate program?
Feel free to get in touch .
You want to become an affiliate?
Fill out the form below and you will receive all further information via email within a few days.
Already an affiliate?
In our dashboard you can view all activities recorded via your individual link. Your remuneration is also based on the recorded activities.
You received your login information via email after signing the contract. If you can't find it, please contact us